October 25, 2009

A couple of pictures missed on my last posting...

October 25, 2009

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. My mom visited over Columbus day and we loved having her! My parents big news is that they have bought a cottage on Lake Huron. We are so excited because Evan can spend time there with his counsins and grandparents... Matt is thrilled because it is close to a fly fishing stream.
In just three weeks Evan has experienced a lot of new things. Evan had a cold which became his first ear infection and he was also teething. It didnt seem to bother him too much during the day but woke him frequently at night. He now has two bottom teeth and is over his ear infection.
We have also had snow, but thankfully not enough to shovel
He has started to eat more foods including: peas, waffels, toast, pasta, bananas, cherrios and grahm crakers. Although he has tried a lot of new foods he would rather eat his baby food. Meal time has become a lot more messier. My sisters suggestion is to get a dog.
He also like to clap, stick out his tongue and smile at the camera. He continues to move all the time and is very independent.
We are getting excited for Halloween! Evan is going to be an Elephant.

This is Evan's new favorite way to smile with his eyes closed/squinted and a big smile
If you look close enough you can see his two bottom teeth!

October 4, 2009

Evan is 8 months old today and each day he seems to be doing something new. This morning I heard him talking in his room and when I went to go get him up for the day he was standing in his crib and smiling. He is starting to crawl on his hands in knees rather than doing the army crawl and wanting to pull himself up onto everything.
He also has a cold but no matter how runny his nose is or how little sleep he has had he is on the go and as happy as can be.
The weather has starting to feel like fall here. Evan is dressed in his winter clothes and for some reason these make him seem more like a little boy (it may be because they have pockets, he wears socks and shoes).